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Using Docker


  1. Clone JISDLab repository with a --recursive option.
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/tklab-group/JISDLab.git
  2. Run the following in the JISDLab directory.
    docker-compose up --build -d
  3. And then, you can set your Java application’s classpaths in ARG cp3 of Dockerfile.Concerning local and container path relations, see docker-compose.yaml.
    # your application's absolute classpaths in a container(classpath1:classpath2:...)
    ARG cp3=${ws_dir}/sample
  4. Access http://localhost:21510 and enter a password(an initial password is passwd)
  5. Success if debugspace/DemoForDocker.ipynb can be executed from the Jupyter client.

Not using Docker


  1. Clone JISDLab repository with a --recursive option.
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/tklab-group/JISDLab.git
  2. Set the environment variable JISDLAB_HOME to the absolute path of the JISDLab directory.
  3. Run the following in the JISDLab directory. For Linux:
    JISD/setup/setup-linux.sh <your classpath>

    For MacOS:

    JISD/setup/setup-macos.sh <your classpath>

    For Windows:

    JISD\setup\setup-windows.ps1 <your classpath>
  4. Run the following to launch JupyterLab
    jupyter lab
  5. Access the launched JupyterLab

For other details, please refer to the JISDLab repository.